Here are seven quick tips for making sure your workplace sells for you.

    1. Train all employees that all visitors are their personal customers, even if they do not have a functional role with that visitor. This means making eye contact, smiling, saying hello and asking if they can help.

    1. Have a lobby board that says, "Welcome, Joe Smith from XYZ Company" -- this shows visitors you thought about them.

    1. Maintain a clean workplace in every area a visitor can see -- especially the entrance. Have someone other than yourself look at your work entrance and critique it from the point of view of a valued customer who visits. Is the paint chipped? Carpet worn? Are two-year-old tattered magazines strewn around the visitor lobby? Make it part of someone's job to assure that the optics of your workplace shine.

    1. The most important person in the office is the receptionist. What is he or she communicating when someone walks in? Even if he's busy answering phones, he can still make eye contact and hand gestures to indicate he'll be right with the visitor.
    2. Offer self-serve refreshments: Invest in a really nice coffee and water system that isn't buried in the kitchen area. Put it where customers can find it. Have some fresh fruit or fresh, healthy, wrapped snacks available (not cheap, stale candy).
    3. Offer today's newspapers in the lobby with a sticker that says, "Please feel free to take this newspaper with you, courtesy of XYZ Co."
    4. If the company has a mission or guiding principles statement, post it in many places, where customers will see, and make sure everyone lives up to it.
Here are seven quick tips for making sure your workplace sells for you. Here are seven quick tips for making sure your workplace sells for you. Reviewed by Women4WomenTz on 6:45:00 AM Rating: 5